Arts & Business Council of Miami



Arts Board Match is like a dating website for board matches, it creates a smooth path to meaningful involvement.

Are you interested in joining a nonprofit arts board but don’t know how? Do you want to learn more about the benefits of joining a board for you and your business? Do want more information on what a board does? Arts Board Match is for you. The site is full of valuable info and assets. AND it provides the opportunity for business professionals like you to be matched with your perfect board by using the unique online platform and multi-functional website custom designed for the project.. No more boredom here! Arts Board Match is revolutionizing the way in which potential board members find their perfect MATCH. It is powerful and transformative.

For information, visit

Top 5 Reasons to Join an Arts Board

  1. Build valuable networks and relationships for business development and outreach.
  2. Work directly with artists and the creative class impacting your own vision and creativity and gain first-hand knowledge of the region’s cultural landscape.
  3. Invite your clients, colleagues and prospects to unique social events and cultural programs.
  4. Broaden your leadership skills. Grow as a leader the only way you can – through experience!
  5. Develop new skills and new contacts that will increase your value to your company and in the job market.

8 Great Things Board Members Do

  1. Work behind the scenes with arts leaders and artists
  2. Be a passionate advocate
  3. Share skills and connections
  4. Set the policy, mission and strategies
  5. Set the annual budget
  6. Raise sufficient funds for the organization to meet its goals
  7. Attend meetings, events and programs of the organization
  8. Keep the board vibrant and active

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